ChromeOS is Still Predominantly a School Only Device

Naofumi Kagami
1 min readMar 15, 2021
StatCounter : Desktop Operating System Market Share USA

With all the media attention that Chrome OS and Chromebooks are receiving, you might think that a lot of people are purchasing these devices for everyday use, and that they are no longer confined to the K12 education market.

Well, net usage statistics paint a different picture. Looking at the numbers available for free at, we can see that in 2020, Chrome OS usage dips dramatically during June to August. This is a trend that was clear even back in 2016. When kids take a break from school, Chrome OS usage drops to about one third. According to the data in 2020, when kids are at school, then Chrome OS take about 6% of USA market share whereas in July, it falls to 2.52%.

So the conclusion is clear. Although Chromebook sales are strong, they are still predominantly a school only device and have not seriously penetrated other markets. Google still has a long way to go to move outside of this market, and Apple and Microsoft still don’t have too much to worry about.



Naofumi Kagami

Biotechnology, Web programming/design, Sales & Marketing - Interested in Innovation, Management and how to make the world a better place.